7 Steps to take the Stress out of Homework

Posted On October 3, 2010

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Homework is at best a chore for most children and, unless they are very committed, They find homework difficult, often because they are not motivated. Consider the following questions.
When your child does homework to what degree is he or she comfortable, focused and relaxed or is doing homework a battle and a struggle every night?
If so:

Do you have to give homework help regularly?
Have you spoken to his or her teachers?
Have you tried gentle pep talks?
Do you resort to harsh reprimands?

Rarely will any or these work in isolation and pep talks and reprimands are the last things you should use as they will simply build up resistence to school and homework.
The struggle with homework can, however, be eased by “re-programming” your childs attitude and approach to homework.

Here is a seven step approach to curing the homework struggle:

Step 1. Stop discussing doing homework with your child.
Instead discuss how he or she is approaching homework. As part of this solution guide your child to step back and really explore the way they are approaching their studies.

Step 2. Find out what pressure you child is under with regard to homework. Ask him or her:
Are you worried what your friends will think if you do or don’t do your homework?
Do you find the homework difficult and believe that you are not clever enough?
Do you enjoy struggling with your homework, or do you want to end this struggle?

Step 3. Discuss their answers openly.
Never dismiss their opinions or feelings – even if you strongly disagree with them. These feeling are theirs and are valid whatever you think. Dismissing them only reinforces them.

Step 4. Acknowledge that homework is not easy.
Show your child that resisting it makes it a bigger problem and creates an obstacle to enjoying the rest of their free time.
When you change their negative attitude they will work more positively and creatively and with less pressure. Positively approaching homework gets it out of the way quicker and removes the stress.

Step 5. Make yourself available as a tutor:
Offer assistance on how to approach problems but don’t give the answers. If you don’t know something say so and work with them so you learn. Praise them for the level of work they are achieving.
Don’t be afraid to make yourself look foolish – it provides motivation for them to see the work is difficult, and when thay have completed it they get a greater sense of achievement.

Step 6. “Reprogramming” should be done while your child is doing homework, but not when there is any time pressure.
They should be able to stop and start the studying many times to discuss any problems. Initially try it at the weekend but not when they are rushing to go out.
Don’t introduce it as a special time. Your child should just regard it as a normal homework session. You should, talk to them and focus on their resistance to homework. It may not work immediately. It is a process and eventually they will drop or reduce their resistance and find a more positive attitude towards their homework.

Step 7. Be aware that “getting work done” is not the main focus of your time using this approach.
There will be many purposeful stops and starts, as you both explore the best way to approach homework.Let your child express his or her feelings. Discuss and expose all their limiting beliefs and feelings and encourage them to find their own solution.
Children and homework is a difficult mix at the best of times but tackling the real cause of their resistance will lead the a more positive approach and better grades.

Atheists in the U.S. People Got Highest Religious Knowledge?

Posted On October 3, 2010

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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DALLAS – Whether true or not, the adherents of atheists have religious knowledge than other groups. They did not believe in God, but they know something about God.

In a survey conducted by the Forum of Religion and Public Life Pew stated, atheists have the highest rates of religious knowledge. The average American person to correctly answer 16 out of 32 questions about science of religion. They have an average rating of 20.9. Furthermore, Jewish believers in second place with an average rating of 20.5.

Meanwhile, Protestant faiths only answered 16 questions correctly. Then followed by Catholics at the average value is 14.7. While the previous survey by the Pew Research Center shows that Americans, including the most religious developed country in the world. This survey shows that a large number of Americans are not on the correct principles, practices, history, and a leading figure in the tradition of faith.

Results surve other shows, four out of 10 Catholics do not know if their church teaches, that the bread and wine used in communion actually become the body and blood of Christ. Half of respondents from the Protestant did not identify Martin Luther as the man who sparked the Protestant Reformation.

7 Steps to Web Sites that Sell

Posted On September 29, 2010

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Your web site is like a fight of stairs into your business. Once you’ve got prospects to your home page – your online front door – you want to move them to action. If you miss a step or two, prospects will fall and won’t make it in the door to your business. If you put the last step first and your first step last, prospects won’t find the steps you want them to take.

There is a hierarchy of information and elements you need to present to prospects to make it easy for them to become customers and clients. This is not what most small business owners provide on their web sites. Most sites lead with a boring description of services and credentials. This tends to push prospects away.
Before you build your web site or start to fix a site that isn’t attracting as many clients as you’d like, take a minute to clarify the objectives of your site. Marketing objectives for web sites for most independent professionals and small business owners should be:

a. Lead Generation – Build your list of qualified prospects who are interested in your products and services but not quite ready to make a purchase. First time visitors to the site need to be able to quickly identity if they are in the right place and determine whether you can help them. Make it easy for prospects to qualify themselves.

b. Establish Credibility- If people found your site by searching the web, you have a lot of work to do to prove that you can help them and deliver on what the site promises.

c. Sell Your Products and Services – Of course you will want to include information about your products and services, but if you rush this step, you’ll lose prospects before you’ve created the context that will move them to a purchase.
PUTTING YOUR STEPS IN SEQUENCE Now that you know what you want your web site to do, define the key elements that should be on your home page. Put these in the correct sequence and more prospects will do what you want. You’ll generate more leads and more sales. Here’s how.

1. FEATURE YOUR MARKETING MESSAGE – At the top of your home page include a one sentence marketing message that describes what you actually do and the problems you solve. For example, “Helping service professionals and small business owners attract more clients” or “Helping you create the ultimate personalized trip to Britain”.

2. COLLECT LEADS – Place the sign-up for your free newsletter, ebook, or catalogue at the top of your web page. The right hand top corner is the optimal position. Above the sign-up form don’t just say “Enter your email here for complimentary information”. Make an offer, one that will motivate your prospects to give you their contact information. For example, “Sign Up for Britain’s best travel secrets.” As an incentive on my site I offer a free marketing guide to motivate people to subscribe to my newsletter, with the result that 12-15% of site visitors sign up for my ezine.

3. USE QUALIFYING QUESTIONS – Don’t start with a description of your services or products. Below your marketing message, lead with qualifying questions, that will help prospects understand the problems you solve, engage your visitors’ attention and create a perception of need.
For example, if you sell ergonomic chairs, you could ask, “Does your back ache at the end of a day at your desk?” Or if you sell customized travel services to Britain you could ask, “Are you interested in a customized, hassle free vacation in the British Isles?”

4. BUILD CREDIBILITY – One-way to do this is to include testimonials from satisfied clients. People will read your marketing copy with a grain – or a whole shaker – of salt. When people read what others say about the amazing results you achieve, they are much more likely to believe your claims. Limit your testimonials to ones that are easy to believe, even if you did help someone make ten million dollars.
The second part of establishing your credibility is to demonstrate the value of your expertise by providing prospects with helpful ideas. If you’re in the computer repair and maintenance business you might include tips on identifying software conflicts and keeping computers from crashing.
People like to do business with people they know and trust so use your site to bring your company and personality to life. Include links to your articles, case studies and /or product demonstrations. Add a photo of yourself or your employees to personalize your site and move prospects to thinking of you as a person.

5. SHOW PROSPECTS THE RESULTS YOU ARE SELLING – Include thumbnails of products and services people can click on in a side navigation bar on most of your site’s pages. Whatever you sell make sure to feature both visual and verbal testimonials along with information and images of your products and services.
On your individual service or product pages provide examples of clients and customers using your services or products. For ebooks, include tables of contents and sample chapters. If you sell log homes, include pictures of happy customers in their homes. If you sell information, feature client testimonials.

6. TELL PROSPECTS WHAT TO DO – If you want people to sign up for your newsletter, tell them to. To get people to read the articles on your site, tell them to. To increase the number of people who view the pages describing your products and services, include thumbnail images of your products and tell them to click on the image for further information. If there is a particular sequence of steps you want prospects to take, tell them what they are.

7. MAKE IT EASY FOR PROSPECTS – Place your contact information, including email address and phone number in an obvious location on every page, particularly the home page. Include a link to a contact form or place it at the bottom of your home page, or both.
In your form, ask a few key questions to help prospects clarify what it is they want to achieve and get their phone number so you can follow up. Their responses will help you prioritize who to contact and help you focus on your most profitable prospects.

Show prospects who are ready to engage your services or buy your products how to do so. Coaches will want to include a coaching inquiry form. People who sell greeting cards, should include a quick link to so people can place their orders.
Use the blueprint above to construct a web site that sells. Build steps that will lead prospects into your web site and motivate them to give you their name, email address and phone number or to contact you about your services or to buy your products. Build steps that will move them from prospects to clients and customers.

7 Ways to Make Yourself Irresistable

Posted On September 29, 2010

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The key to being irresistable to men is more about you and less about them.
It is about accentuating every one of your strengths both internally and externally and reveling in them. So before we show you how to flirt, tease and seduce, we are going to teach you how to pamper, indulge and revel in the delicious power of being a woman.

1) Before going out to socialize or even see the one that you are currently dating, take a few minutes to visualize what you want to happen. Picture in detail exactly who you want and what you want to happen between you. What qualities will your perfect lover have?
How will he look at you? How will he touch you? Add in as much detail as possible. Knowing what you want is the first step to having it.

2) Before seeing the man you are dating or stepping foot outside the door, take care with your appearance. Look in the mirror and identify all the things that you like about yourself. If you focus on the qualities that you like about yourself, you will have far more confidence in yourself than most women out there. That will show and give you an edge.

3) Accentuate those positive qualities.

For example: If you have full shiny hair make the most of it. Let it flow down your shoulders. Play with it in front of the one you desire. Men have a fascination with hair.
If you have full pouty lips, apply liner around the edges then fill in with a deep gloss that accentuates your skin tone, then apply a lighter coat just in the center of your lips. This will give them even more sex appeal.

4) Play up your eyes. A lot of flirting is done with eye play. Look at him then look away. Use your eyes to tell him everything that you are feeling, everything that you would like to do to him.

5)Wear clothes that accentuate your assets. Hint at your curves without exposing them. Remember less is more. Incite his curiosity. Make him want to see more.

6) Wear a delicate scent. Apply your perfume twenty minutes before you go out the door. A woman’s scent is enticing. Overpowering perfume, on the other hand, is a major turn off.

7) Take care of your whole body, not just your face. Most women wash their face daily and moisturize but what about the rest of you? Take care of your skin. Use a good sugar scrub on your body and follow with a rich moisturizer. If your body feels silky smooth, you will feel and act sexier. Plus the man of your dreams won’t be able to resist caressing your smooth, silky soft skin.

2 Critical Things That Will Determine Your Future

Posted On September 28, 2010

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There are many things in life that clamour for our attention. Many of these things are completely useless and only eat up our valuable time. If we’re not careful these things will drag us down and lessen our quality of life.
We have to be very careful what we subject ourselves to because everything has an influence. We must protect our minds by being careful what we choose to let inside.
If we have hopes of having an extraordinary future there are two critical things that we must monitor.

1. The Books We Read
In 5 years or less you will be the sum total of the books you have read. In other words, you will be the sum total of what you have put into your mind. If what you are allowing into your mind on a regular basis is not in harmony with where you want to be in the future you may want to make some serious changes. Get yourself on a good reading program.
What we focus on becomes attracted into our lives. If we put positive information into our minds we will attract positive circumstances.

2. The People You Associate With
In 5 years or less you will be the sum total of the people you have associated with.
There have been times in my past that I have had to break off some close relationships because of the negativity associated with these particular people. They did nothing but drag me down.
Relationships like that will keep you from getting to where you want to go. I’m not saying that you should stop loving and caring for those type of people, but just love and care for them from a distance. Simply quit hanging out with them.
You don’t have to physically associate with negative people to experience their negative effects. Many people associate emotionally with other people via television.
I have a friend who is into a particular soap opera and he says it doesn’t affect him. I disagree. I know this soap well because I was addicted to it myself! After watching it every day for about six years, I was usually left in a paralyzed state of mind. My friend is so accustomed to his state of mind that I know he doesn’t even realize it.
I have another friend who is reading romance novels. She views her real world as lacking romance so she tries to compensate for it by indulging in a fantasy.
I  know a lot of people who are into watching scary movies. These shows leave a person with a sense of fear. The Bible says over and over again, “Fear not!”
We absolutely have to choose our associations wisely! Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens the other.” How sharp do you want to be?
Where will you be in in the future? Three, four, or even five years down the road? It is a fact that in five years or less you will be the sum total of the books you have read and the people you have associated with.
Are you reading good books and associating with the right kind of people? Or, do you need to get some good books and change a few relationships? The Bible says, “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23).

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